Welcome to the Blog for Working Parents

Zest Parenting Strategies tips videos

Good morning everyone. I am coming to you with some Working Parent Wisdom today.

I was getting my hair done a couple of days ago and my...

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Flashlight Tag tips videos

Here is a great activity for the summer called Flashlight Tag.

All you need is

  • kids
  • a flashlight
  • a dark space

It's just like hide and...

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Zest Parent Motivations tips videos

Happy Tuesday!

I am here to bring you some Working Parent Wisdom. And we are going to be talking about Zest parenting...

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Donā€™t skip the summer vacation! anxiety depression guilt research stress vacation

July is one of the busiest travel months all year. Many families take their family vacations due to warmer weather and most kids being...

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Change Perspectives growth mindset overwhelm perspective stories vacation

Matt and I were taking off on a short little getaway to celebrate our anniversary.

I had a realization looking out the window of the...

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Donā€™t Give Up burnout capacity discipline grind guilt shame tips

This has been a hard season but don’t give up!

As we clean up from the aftermath of Christmas and begin to put the chaos of 2020...

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